The technic behind Apply for participation Default solutions: e-mail management agenda management document management web-hosting web-shop web-use analysis data-hosting web-photo book MySQL use DNS management
Remote help for your computer
But how do you go forward from this point? | creates Internet solutions for individuals and small entrepreneurs. You are in search of a method to realise your wish, to get information more widely available, but you do not have the technical possibilities or knowledge of doing this independently. can take care of these (technical) issues and together with you realise an appropriate solution. So you your result you always wanted to have, but not the problems to make it possible.
Mission: By putting knowledge and know how available concerning information, communication, Internet - and computer technology, wants the Internet more widely accessible for the public, which do not have this knowledge or know how.
What is is a nonprofit organisation which can bring an answer for these and a lot of other questions. We are - like a lot of other colleagues in the market - a Internet service Provider (ISP). The difference which we make is a) our focus is not financially aimed but b) about availability for the broad public. Thereby we look for the newest available technological possibilities. The infrastructure of is ordered in such a manner that innovative developments helps solving the wishes of our customers. So we do not say "you must use this product". No. More like "your question can be answered by means of these products with these properties. How did you had seen how your thoughts should be realised and how it must be operative for your target group". Within a group of professionals is active who have a broad look on the possibilities which the Internet offers as well as the technical solutions which can be conducted. They are aware that there are 'several ways leading to Rome' and that every wish is so specific that mostly not only standard products bring outcome. Because of this is able to translate your wish - in a simple manner - to a solution where you remain far from the technical blabla but stays in the middle of the solution. Due our approach the core words of are simplicity, efficiency and adaptation. Also these are the key aspects of our professionals. One of the main aspects ensure is that your information - accordance the term 'well house paternity' - is managed.
Please feel free to take a look on this Internet site. You can look at everything. Because you look at one of the productional systems of some information is personalised. In other words, you need to login to reach for the information stored in it. The owners wants to keep this for only those people who are granted for it and be hidden for everyone who does not belong to their target group. Without a valid access token (or password) these are not available. On the main page you find our conditions to participate. There are no buts of tricky rules, falcon owls or unclear (cost) structures. No. Nothing of this all. It is accessible for everyone.
How does it work? You have an idea, a thought or a long nourished wish to want more than only surf on the Internet. You want to use it. Receive not only information. No. Putting information available at the World-Wide-Web (or) for a selected group. The world is not anymore your own living or study room. It is every spot where you want be.
But how do you go forward from this point? First of all you must know roughly what you want. Not all worked out on paper in detail. No. You can still have it 'in your mind' or perhaps slightly worked it out a little bit on paper. So you know - approximately - what you want. For example: · "I want to enjoy the pictures of our just born baby with, or vacation experiences my family members"; · "we are a group which stands geographically far from each other, but wants to work together at one product."; · "I have a domain name and want to receive and send e-mail with it."; · "I have my own business but how do I get a CRM solution available on the Internet so I can expose my company more within my market area? But it should by easy to publish my services with it?". · I want know more about how the Internet works. What is possible. But I do not I have a server on the Internet with which I can try it out. Given the many possibilities which the Internet offers, looking at the ideas mentioned above it still is a very restrictive view of everything that is possible.
Now you stand at the point "what now"?
How can you participate? To be able to use the facilities the only thing you have to do is to send your question to the the web master of He will take contact to diepen the question further. Thereby he discusses: · the possibilities there are, · which efforts are expected, · the consequences / possibilities for you, · getting clearly what your question exactly implies, · how you want it to be realized on the Internet, · the time it will take to realise it. assume the principle: working together to clarify the wish and to reach the wanted result. We know that it takes more than just one result to get your idea as a final product. A result is only than ' finished ' when you as participant are happy with it. You can work with it like you had it in your mind.
What cost it? As as can read above we do not speak about costs. It is simple. Every participant receives at the end of each every year a financial overview of the costs who were made and a bill. The bill consist only the facilitaire costs (read: electricity costs) to keep de systems running of The costs are proportionally divided over all participanten who have taken part in that year. The standard costs of the hardware, software and solutions, which offers, are not on the bill. Why? These are available for everyone free of charge. The cost - per participant - of the past years you can find here. All the information about costs you can find at the menu option [Home] -> [Kostenoverzicht].
Should there arise particular circumstances, as a result of which (extra) costs are made which deviate from the 'standard costs', but which are of influence for all participanten, then all participanten are in writing informed of this circumstance (by e-mail). Explaining the reason, the consequence(s) for making the costs (or of the costs are not made what consequences that will have) and the financial consequence(s) for the current year and also the succeeding years. Actuating - as indicated earlier - find place at the end of the year. Some participators asked a financial overview and bill each half year. This is also possible. Every participant is free to make this choice at the beginning of every half year.
Why? Two reasons: 1 Within you will be able to do nearly everything by yourself and 2 The professionals perform activities within because of their love for the profession as well as the possibility to gain more knowledge for themself. However they do this entirely disinterested and beside their normal daily activities as ICT professional / consultant.
What does don't do? does not place pop-ups, banners or other information - or publicity messages - on your Internet site. Nothing of that annoying stuff. Everything what you place on the servers of remain yours. It is up to you what kind of information you like to publish and for whom. Therefore you are also responsible - and only you - for what is done with it or what you are publishing. In the sense that can help you with introducing security bridges. You can ask to help you on this issue but is - and will - not be responsible to whom you entrusts your information to. However, can trace their 'behaviour' - who is coming on your web site - and can make this available to you. This only under strict rules and in accordance with the directives of the Dutch law (the Wbp).
Can I realocate my solution also elsewhere? Yes, if you can want to transfer your solution to an another service provider that is absolutely no problem. Our professionals will you accompany so that your product will function correctly on the environment of your new service provider. When you end your participantion with you get also a financial overview of to costs made and the bill. If you have special or specific (hardware) solutions then will deliver these to you.
We like to see your response about With this we can improve the accesibility of more and more. But above all we can improve the systems of to meet your wishes beter and / or can focus himself to do his utmost to add your specific solutions more quickly as a standard solution. Would you like to become a sponsor of then you can apply to the web master.
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